U.S. industry market research and industry risk ratings. Contains trends, statistics and analysis on market size, market share of competitors, and industry growth rates. Includes emerging industry trends as well as recent production performance.
All reports in this collection are updated between 1 and 4 times a year.
Extensive market commentary, independent investment analysis, real-time news and extensive data about a broad range of asset classes and sectors.
Suite of information resources for in-depth business and financial research. Contains corporate information covering thousands of U.S. and foreign public companies. Includes access to Investext, which provides reports written by analysts at investment banks, brokerage houses, and consulting firms.
Data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest and markets.
Information about investments, including stocks, mutual funds, options, and convertible securities, as well as special situation stocks.
Full text of business and financial journals, including essential scholarly journals and the most important trade journals.
Full-text for thousands of journals, covering all disciplines of business. (Coverage: Varies according to journal, some back to 1922.)
Full-text company and industry intelligence on global corporations.
Searches can be done on company name or ticker symbol, industry code/description (SIC or NAICS), subjects in article, geographic search, or personal name. Searches can be limited by journal name, date range, or content area.
Provides access to private and public U.S and international business data, industry news, facts and figures, executive contact information, and industry profiles.
Residential Search: Find address and other contact information on individuals.
Demographics Search: Demographic reports on a geographic area of your choice. Data includes statistics on the area's population, including age, race, gender, income and more.
A source for business and residential data in the United States.
Use the following databases to research trends in the market and industry.
Data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest and markets.
A global market research database providing statistics, analysis, reports, surveys and breaking news on industries, countries and consumers.
You must be a current University of Delaware student, faculty, or staff member to use this database. A valid UDNetID and password are required.
Full-text for thousands of journals, covering all disciplines of business. (Coverage: Varies according to journal, some back to 1922.)
Full text of business and financial journals, including essential scholarly journals and the most important trade journals.
Recent global news content, as well as archives. Content from newspapers, newswires and news sites in full-text format. Provides large collections of news from the U.S., Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America and Australia. (Coverage: 1980 --)
Full-text information from news, business, and legal sources, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790. Though not required, you have the option to create a personal account that will give you access to special features such as alerts, saved searches, folders, history, annotations and more.
Vendor Lyrasis. Publisher LexisNexis.
The Bureau of Labor Statistic produces reports on industries called Industry at A Glance. These reports have detailed industry data, including state, county, and metropolitan area data.