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Entrepreneurship Research

Resources for Researching Global Opportunity

Additional Database Resources for Opportunity Research

Use the databases to research opportunities within an industry. Opportunity can be found in many ways. It could be about product improvement, trends and forecasts,  channels of distributions and logistics for the product. It could also be about the weakness of a competitor as well. Use search terms such as (forecast or trends ) AND your product.  

Example:  Trends and iPhones

Examination of Specific Company Operations for Opportunities

You can gain insight on how a company operates. Look at the important SEC filings from the company such as 10K Reports, Annual Reports, 10 Q Reports, etc. In the 10K Report, look at ITEM 7. MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS and ITEM 1. BUSINESSES for details of how the company operates and its business segments. These sections will provide details on the operational decisions and strategies of the company.

Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment Summary

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) issues Economic News Releases. This one relates to Metropolitan Area data on employment and unemployment. Mouse over the other tabs at the top of the BLS web page for information on other topics.

Income, Poverty, Health Coverage Report

Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2019 (and previous years)

Do a Control F (Find Command) and search for a word to find the data you are looking for.

Example: Ctrl F and south  to obtain data on the southern region.