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AI literacy tutorial and workshop now available!

by Maria Barefoot on 2023-08-15T11:19:00-04:00 | 0 Comments

I'm happy to announce that the UD Library, Museums, and Press has recently completed a new tutorial on AI literacy that you're able to embed into your courses. The tutorial takes about 30 minutes and includes video and interactive content to help students build their AI literacy skills. Much like Google, AI will soon become a regular part of student work and lives. The sooner they learn to critically think about the information that they are producing and using, the better information creators and consumers they'll become.

The tutorial addresses:

  • How AI text generators work
  • AI hallucinations
  • Systemic bias in AI
  • Using AI text generators ethically

If you need some content to start the conversation in your class about AI, you can start with the tutorial and then follow up with a class discussion. Students are able to receive a copy of their responses via email at the end of the tutorial which you can ask them to upload to canvas as proof of completion. If you'd like to embed the tutorial in your canvas course and need help, contact Ask the Library

You may also want to direct your students to the AI workshop planned for Tuesday Sept. 26 at 11 AM via zoom!

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