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DELCAT Migrating to New Platform

by Maria Barefoot on 2023-02-24T09:41:15-05:00 | 0 Comments

The University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press is moving its catalog, DELCAT, to a new services platform this June. Once the new platform is in place, patrons will have a smoother and more user-friendly discovery experience.

Library staff have spent the past six months preparing for this move by ensuring data is migrated fully to the new catalog platform. To ensure that no records are lost in the move, the Library will be suspending the purchase of materials from March 1 through June 30. During this time, you may still send requests to your liaison, but they will be placed on hold until the new platform goes live.

We thank you for your patience and understanding as we enter into the last phase of this move. We are excited to provide you with an intuitive catalog experience on par with other leading academic libraries across the nation. If you have any questions about this migration, please contact

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