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Author Rights, Open Access, and UDSpace

by Maria Barefoot on 2023-01-30T13:51:00-05:00 | 0 Comments

Did you know that when you publish in academic journals, you often retain the right to self-archive your work. Here at UD, we have the UDSpace institutional repository which allows you to make copies of your work freely available. When colleagues are able to find your work without subscription fees, that can translate into your work being more widely distributed and cited. However, author agreements and copyright transfers are a daunting landscape for even seasoned professionals. Even if you didn't pay an article processing charge or choose the Open Access option at the time of publication, you are still likely able share the final accepted manuscript version of your article in UDSpace. The open access team at UD Library, Museums, and Press can help you navigate those questions. For extra convenience, you don't have to wait to contact the open access team until the article is published -- you can get in touch with them when you're making final edits to the article. Just fill out this form to share your publication with us and we will take care of the rest! Have questions? Reach out at

Still unsure? Check out the work of your colleagues already available in UDSpace:

School of Education

Department of Human Development and Family Studies

Center for Disability Studies


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