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Resource Spotlight - Education Video Databases

by Maria Barefoot on 2023-01-30T15:23:00-05:00 | 0 Comments

One of the hardest things our pre-service teachers will do is step into the classroom for the first time. Student teaching experiences are invaluable for helping our future educators learn their profession, but one way to introduce them to those experiences before they step into the classroom is through video. I've found the combination of video and scenario-based learning to be a powerful tool in turning knowledge into practice. The Library, Museums, and Press provide access to two video databases with a wealth of video for you to incorporate into your classes. 

Academic Video Online (Education Videos) 

This database is admittedly a little clunky to navigate. The link above will take you to the full database, but you can limit to only education videos using the filter option. Once you've filtered your results to education focused videos, you can filter again to a variety of subject areas within education such as curriculum, behavior challenges, educational psychology, special education, literacy, and so many more.

I've found filtering to be more effective than searching because so many of the video names vary from the topics they are portraying. If you'd like to add video content for a particular topic that you teach, I'm happy to spend some time locating videos for you. Contact me via email or through Calendly so we can talk about your needs. 

Establishing rules and consequences: Step-by-step through week one

Hard to teach: Personal hygiene

Vygotsky's Developmental Theory: An Introduction

Launching Literacy Stations

School Dilemmas Series



This database focuses on in-classroom footage of young children. When using this database, I tend to rely on the filters on the right to narrow down what I'm looking for. Check out these examples:

Pumpkin seeds and checkers: A math conundrum

It takes two to tie a shoe (Special Education)

Tell me a story (Second language learning)


If you need help finding media for your course or want to request assistance from the Film & Video Collection Librarian, reach out via the Ask Film & Video service.  More information about how to access the Collection and things to know about teaching with streaming can be found via the Library’s website.

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